All Hemispheres now impacted!

It has been 23 days since our last report. During that time, we have heard reports on 35 ZTBs, in nine different countries. There were 491 reports, including 3 new countries: New Zealand, Argentina and Uruguay. So we now have contagion in all of the western hemisphere, and it has spread into the southern hemisphere. Asia, the indian sub-continent and the middle east remain unscathed up to this point. The outbreak in New Zealand was significant, both islands were hit, with 168 reports from there alone. The outbreak in Argentina seems localized but heavy, and we suspect it will grow. Spain still suffers, with two new areas there affected, Castille y Leon, and Cataluna. Denmark experienced a major outbreak with 56 reports, and there was also continued spread into the panhandle of West Virginia. We have had a tough winter, and while we normally look forward to spring, we just don’t know what to expect from this one. Keep a sharp out. ZTB HQ out.

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Add Denmark to the list

Last eleven days, 18 bugs reported on, in 7 states and 6 countries. The Plague has spread to Denmark. Madrid is getting pounded in Spain. Bugs from the infected Caribbean cruise ship seem to be headed north (Wisconsin, Canada). Relentless. It is just relentless.

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Spread continues…..

From Finland to Puerto Rico (an area where we had not yet seen the infection), Hawaii (another new state) to St. Maarten, the deserts of Nevada to the alps of Switzerland (another new country affected!), the spread deepens and widens. Weather, climate, terrain, nothing seems to impede the spread of the ZTB virus. Hotbeds this reporting period include Maryland, Nevada, Spain and Scotland. A new outbreak in the Caribbean (perhaps you heard about the infected cruise ship?) spread the disease to two new islands as well. We had 222 reports since we last updated. Thanks for all of your help in keeping us up-to-date as the activity increases, stay safe and stay warm.

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3 weeks with the dead in Winter

29 ZTBS active this period in 13 states and 7 countries. 245 hits overall, one new country to report, St. Lucia has seen its first of the plague. The Maryland/Pennsylvania area continues to be a hotspot, as well as the Nevada/Arizona border, and Germany and Portugal. Gotto run, some idiot started up a snow-blower to clear a path to the fuel dump, and the noise has attracted a horde. Stay warm and don’t be the food….

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Bi-weekly top contenders…

In the last two weeks:

Colorado had 86 hits from one ZTB.
Arizona had 18 hits from on e ZTB.
Florida had 22 hits from one ZTB, which came in from Bonaire via Aruba (two previously unaffected areas).
Spain had 15 hits around Madrid from one ZTB.
Scotland had 12 hits from one ZTB.
Not too much of a surprise that Maryland and Pennsylvania continue to suffer:
Maryland had 35 hits from a variety of ZTBs.
Pennsylvania had 15 hits from a variety of ZTBs.

Overall there were 246 reports in the last 14 days, from 31 different ZTBs in 14 states in the U.S.A and 8 countries around the world. Additionally, it is notable that Patient Zero, Patient # 1, and Patient # 3 were all active during this time period.

Happy New Year, yeah right, things are looking pretty grim here in Maryland, and the plague continues to spread elsewhere. Stay safe, and lock ’em in a cache when you find ’em!

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Twenty days is too long!!!

It has been twenty days since our last update, and so much has happened that we don’t know where to begin. We’ll start with some statistics I guess: there were 548 ZTB encounters in the last 20 days, including 28 different ZTBs sighted in 24 different states in the U.S.A., and seven different countries. Wisconsin and Mississippi were two new states affected, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Bahamas were two new areas of the world where we had not seen ZTBs before. Two ZTBs travelled through 6 different states each; two more through four states each. Nevada, Madrid, Maryland, Portugal and Pennsylvania continue to be very, very active, but there was significant activity in Florida, North Carolina, Alaska, Alberta and Ontario, as well as Germany. Winter in the northern hemisphere does not seem to be slowing the ZTBs down. We are worried that as summer breaks in the southern hemisphere we will start to see activity there as well. Be safe out there!

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Activity over the past two months seems consistent

Since our last update ten days ago, we have had reports on 23 different ZTBs, in 11 different states in the U.S., and in 3 other countries. Madrid seems to be suffering quite a bit from a single zombie, and Portugal has faced increasing attacks in a variety of areas. Alberta and Ontario continue to suffer in Canada. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia and Georgia continue to struggle here in the east, while Wyoming, Colorado and Utah struggle in the west. Alaska also continues to see some activity from one isolated ZTB there. Maryland is a mess. While it is hard to pick just one area in the Old Line State that is affected the worst, southeast of Baltimore, around Sparrow’s Point, Edgemere and Dundalk seems to have seen an enormous amount of activity from two or three ZTBs in the last week or so. Don’t forget that containment is the key! If you find a ZTB, get it locked down into a new cache as soon as you can!

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Maryland is getting very dangerous!

We had 23 reports in the last eight days, as brave cachers like yourselves continued to seek caches in spite of the ZTB menace. Much of the western hemisphere is affected, and we had reports from Germany, Lisbon, Scotland and Madrid in Europe, as well as numerous states on the eastern seaboard of the U.S. Further west, Utah, Alberta Canada and Alaska continue to show activity. Maryland continues to be a hotbed of ZTB activity, our compound was nearly overrun yet again, and supplies here are getting very hard to come by. We’ll continue to provide updates as long as we can hold out, and as long as you folks keep sending in reports. Remember, if you hear moaning inside the cache, things are gonna’ get ugly when you open it!

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Maryland continues to bear the brunt….

There has been some activity worldwide over the last ten days, The areas surrounding Toronto, Canada and Madrid, Spain seem to be the worst right now. We’ve had isolated reports from a variety of states in the U.S, from Connecticut to Alaska, Utah to South Carolina, and Florida, which was previously untouched. The bulk of recent activity here in the states continues to center around the Mid-Atlantic region, with Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and West Virginia the hardest hit. We continue to believe this is a direct result of the lack of security at containment facilities here during the government shutdown. Here aT ZTB HQ things have stabilized somewhat although generator fuel sourcing continues to be a problem. We’ve been working hard to recover solar panels from traffic speed cameras to alleviate this issue, but the work goes slowly with so many ZTBs out there, and it is risky to move around at all here at ZTB ground zero. Keepl low and quiet, and conserve your ammo….

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Activity Accelerates Around the World

It is All Hallow’s Eve here at ZTB tracking HQ, and as we look at reports coming in from around the geocaching world, it seems as though all of the fears of all the Halloweens that ever happened are coming true.  Since our last global review, to major capitols, London and Madrid have seen significant activity.  Portugal seems to be affected as well, and the news from central Germany is particularly grim.  In North America, outside of the “Second Wave” outbreak previously reported, there has been additional activity in nearly all the states surrounding Maryland.  Georgia is now reporting more activity, as well as some isolated hits in Wyoming, Illinois and Indiana.  Many of the New England states have reported sightings, this was an area previously untouched thus far.  The areas around Toronto and Alberta in Canada continue to be hotbeds of ZTB activity as well.  many areas of the world are still ZTB free,  Asia, Australia and South America and Africa seem to remain clear thus far, but we fear it is only a matter of time.  Stay safe out there.

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