Havoc continues as summer close to a close in the northern hemisphere

In the twelve days since we reported last, we had 472 hits on 48 different ZTBs reported; that is 34% of total active ZTBs out there. Two new countries were affected, Belgium and the United Arab Emirates, as well as twelve other countries and 20 of the states here in the U. S (if you include the District of Columbia. Places with greater than ten hits in this reporting period, which we refer to as hotspots, include Ontario, Canada, Maryland and Pennsylvania (as always), New jersey, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, West Virginia and Kentucky (there was a major outbreak at the Hatfield-McCoy megs event) Spain, and Germany. It will be interesting to see how activity changes as the weather cools down where the ZTBs are most active. We have had intermittent unconfirmed reports that a new outbreak is brewing in New York City; this would make sense as activity in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey has picked up. We’ll do out best to keep you posted.

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Followed by a difficult 17 days…

476 hits since the last report, on 54 different ZTBs in 21 states, 4 Canadian provinces and 16 countries all told. We had active ZTBs from Australia and New Zealand to Norway and Sweden, from South Africa to Spain to Iceland. We have also heard that the one active ZTB we know of in Argentina, may well have infected an entire French Ski team, and may be headed toFrance next. Iceland was one of the previously untouched places to report new cases this period, along with the Dominican republic, Tenerife, Quebec and New South Wales. With these creatures active across nearly the entire planet, we urge you all to geocache with extreme caution!

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A very rough 16 days…..

It has been 16 days since our last report, and there has been a huge surge in activity to the north. Canada has been hard hit, with major outbreaks in Alberta and British Columbia, particularly around Calgary, and Banff, but also across the Rockies. Montana also has seen a very major outbreak in the northwest part of the state near Kalispell. We have reports on 46 ZTBs in this period, with 894 hits. Montana and Alberta suffered the worst, with over 300 hits each. There has also been activity in Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario, although relatively minor so far. Australia has seen significant activity in Western Australia and Victoria, and new areas of Sweden and South Africa have reported activity as well. Nevada also continuers to show an upsurge, and Maryland, as always, continues to bleed. The Czech republic, formerly untouched, has also reported new activity. Stay safe out there!

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Major east coast outbreak!!!

It seems a herd broke loose from the ground zero area in Maryland, and along with a few independent wandering ZTBs, headed north. Pennsylvania was severely affected with over 120 hits since our last report 13 days ago. Massachusetts faired even worse with close to 150 hits in the same time period. There were sporadic reports of activity from all over New England, as well as the upper tier of states along the U.S. – Canadian border. With the exception of Michigan, every state bordering Canada had activity; we can offer no explanation for this northern surge, other than perhaps the warmer weather. Sadly, we hear that the Berkshire Geobash 3 mega event was severely hit.We’ve sent a tram to New England to solidify these reports and gain details, but unfortunately have not heard from them since they crossed the Hudson into Massachusetts. In total there were 25 active ZTBs this reporting period, in 4 countries, and 21 U.S states. While here in America we continue to suffer the worst effects, there continues to be significant activity in Europe (mostly Germany) and in South Africa. We also had continued reports of activity in Norway this period. All in all 353 hits in the northern hemisphere, the summer heat seems to have them riled up. Be careful out there……

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Summer heat has little effect…

In the nine days since we last updated true site, we have had reports on 24 ZTBs, sitings in 17 different states in the U. S. and 7 different countries. Hot spots (more than ten hits) included Maryland, Pennsylvania and South Africa The plague has spread to another province in South Africa. There were 156 sitings overall. There have been rumors here at ZTB HQ of a new outbreak but we have no confirmation as of yet. We’ll let you know something as soon as we do, in the meantime, stay safe.

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Value your independence…..all that changes when you become a zombie!

Our apologies it has been so long since our last update, Maryland has been seething with ZTB activity (we had 124 hits here since we last updated 19 days ago). Three ZTBs have gone missing since our last report, #61-Joel, last seen in Louisiana, #12-Horst, last seen in Brandenburg, Germany, and #13-Manjula, last seen in Georgia. Does not mean they are gone though, they could pop up at any time, so watch your heads!. Since the last report we have had reports on 31 ZTBs, (32% of the known active population) in 25 states in the U. S. and 8 different countries. Two previously uninfected states have now experienced the plague, Minnesota and North Dakota. Hotspots (more than ten reports) include Kwazuklu-Natal, South Africa, Nevada, Maryland (as always), Pennsylvania (poor bastards are too close to Maryland!), Colorado, New Hampshire and Maine. The outbreaks in New England are of some concern, as previously we had only seen isolated activity there. We hope this is not a harbinger for something worse. Two major U.S. traverses, Patient # 60-Ray went from North Carolina to Colorado across a number of mid-western states, and patient # 50-Corey went from Pennsylvania up the coast into New England. Maryland seems to have seen increased activity in the vicinity of the recently released Maryland Star geoart, so watch your butt if you are in that area. Enjoy your fourth if you are in the states, well, enjoy it no matter where you are, and don’t get bit!

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Quick update, missing ZTB returns

Patient #65 – Jamie, last seen in December in South Carolina had disappeared. recent reports indicate that this ZTB has moved to Missouri, and is once again active. In the six days since we last reported, we’ve had fifty-six hits in five different countries and seven different states in the U. S. The most active areas continue to be Alberta, Canada, and Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. We’ve heard rumors of a new outbreak involving many ZTBs, but have seen no evidence of that yet. Stay safe out there!

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And Another…..

Western Ausatralia has seen an invasion of one ZTB, it does not yet show up on the map, but we all know that will change over time. In the 18 days since our last report, we have had 511 hits, in 7 countries and 15 states here in the U. S., including Iowa, a state where we had not yet seen activity. Hot spots include Maryland (with more activity on the eastern shore this time) and Pennsylvania, as always, as well as Alberta, Canada, and Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. North Carolina has seen some heavy activity as well. ZTBs were spotted at Geowoodstock XII, so be careful attending those mega and giga events! Be safe out there. We’ll try to update more frequently, as they seem to be more active now….

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Another contintent falls…..

It has been 29 days since our last report. During that time 45% of known active ZTBs have registered at least one report, with 377 reports in total in 19 states and 7 countries. Missouri has seen its first ZTB and we fear it will to be the last. The area around Durban, in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa has seen a major outbreak with 6 ZTBs on the loose and wreaking havoc there, giving us our first reports on the African Continent. Of course, Maryland and Pennsylvania remain problem areas, as does the area around Cataluna, Spain, where two ZTBs are shuffling about causing terror. Nevada was our second most active area this month, with over 50 hits, but reports are scant. Scotland, Sweden, Germany, the spread just seems to continue everywhere. ZTB HQ out.

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A lot can happen in a month…watch out for infected surfer dudes…

It has been 36 days since our last update. We apologize for the long refresh interlude, but as Spring comes, Zombie activity seems to increase…..the bunker has been overrun twice in the last three weeks, and although our bug-out plan worked well (we had less casualties both times), it has taken us a while to get back up and running. A lot has happened in the last month. We have had activity reports on 36 ZTBs, with 770 hits in 7 countries, including 12 U.S. states. There has been a huge outbreak in southern California, with 444 hits recorded so far in the San Diego/La Jolla area. We suspect some of the bio-tech firms near Torrey Pines may have had something to do with it, but information is sketchy at this point. New Zealand continues to be very active as well, and one ZTB travelled from there all the way to Denmark, the longest single jump we have seen yet, over 11, 000 miles! Denmark has another very active ZTB and has been suffering greatly in the last month. Additionally, the Martinsburg area of West Virginia, as well as the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania have been struggling. Keep your wits about you and stay safe. If there is moaning in the container, don’t open it!

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